Who believes in the Power Pause?

In other words, who endorse the Power Pause? This is an easy question to answer.

1. Dr. Joe "Mr. Fire!" Vitale
Bestselling author of too many books to mention here

2. Bob Scheinfeld
Author of "The Invisible Path to Success" and "The 11th Element"

3. Monique Harris
Co-author with Ken Evoy of "Make Your Knowledge Sell (MYKS)"

4. Dr. Audri G. Lanford, CEO, Lanford Inc.

5. Yanik Silver
A successful netpreneur

6. Rick Beneteau
Author of "The Ezine Marketing Machine"

7. Marlon Sanders
Owner of a successful net marketing company

8. Declan Dunn
Owner of a successful net marketing company

9. Bob Burg
Author of "Endless Referrals" and "Winning Without Intimidation"

10. Jonathan Mizell
Owner of a successful net marketing company

The Power Pause package

(Don't want to read? Listen instead. However, be aware that this blog is written primarily to be read. Also, you may want to follow through the clickable links.)

Why do I need to take a Power Pause?

You need to take the Power Pause because you are just a normal being with your fair share of challenges. When you are really distressed though, you may even feel that it is unfair.

Firstly, empower yourself; acknowledge that it is your challenge(s) and it is your feeling(s) (that you are feeling). You own it (because you created it), not vice versa, and you are certainly not your feelings nor challenges!

You have created such challenge(s) for the purpose of advancing yourself.

Now how much you can advance, depends on your ability to respond to your challenge.

(At this point, would you cry, "unfair"? Wouldn't that be like walking backwards?)

When you take a Power Pause, you are aiding yourself. When you do that, others will naturally gravitate towards you to aid you some more.

Finally, no matter where you are, be grateful for the opportunity to experience the challenge. You may not know why or how it will unfold, but once you are past it, you will know why, if you wish to know.

Who believes in the Power Pause?

P.s : When you feel the pain, you may even plead, there is no doubt that you are sincere. Even then, know that it is for the betterment of yourself even if you cannot understand why.

How can you not be touched if all this (the good things that would otherwise not be made known to you, the pain and all) is orchestrated for the sake of nothing and no one else but you and you alone? You are that important.

Let your tears signify your gratitude to your self within you. You are tearful for you are so touched, how can the self within you not be?

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. However, be aware that this blog is written primarily to be read. Also, you may want to follow through the clickable links.)

How can I take a Power Pause?

I think you agree that you cannot really understand something until you experience it. You may be aware of it but not really understand it.

So it is with the Power Pause. To be able to understand it, put the formula into practice. It is not called the Power Pause for nothing.

Take a break, but not another one of those breaks that makes you feel even more tired than before you took it. That is how you replenish your energy; that is why it is a Power Pause. And all it takes is 3 minutes of your time.

Why do I need to take a Power Pause?

P.s : Do not rush it or think it to be a chore, you are doing this for no one but yourself. Naturally, if you are desperate enough, this is not an issue.

(Don't want to read? Listen instead
. However, be aware that this blog is written primarily to be read. Also, you may want to follow through the clickable links.)

How can power pause help me?

The PowerPause is a 3-minute, 3-step formula for success

This is helpful if you do not have a lot of time to spare. You only have to be sincere and consistent. Do this once a day or more, during your spare moments(but do not rush it) or at the same time everyday.

This is really how you can get 'there' from 'here'. Remember that the thinking that got you here can't get you there. This is especially true if you find yourself stuck in a pattern and then often, despite your efforts, you still find yourself within the familiar pattern, (even if there is a little improvement).

Over twenty-five years in the making

This formula is not conceived overnight or on purpose at all. Not that you can't come up with this yourself either, yes, when one is tested, one is often forced to come up with solutions different from what one is used to, better known as thinking out of the box.

True 'thinking out of the box' is really a form of leveraging.

There is no competition

In case you have the scarcity mindset, ask yourself, "is there another person exactly the way I am?"

If you still find yourself in competition with someone else, rest assured that that person is you (or your ego).

How can I take a Power Pause?

(Don't want to read? Listen instead. However, be aware that this blog is written primarily to be read. Also, you may want to follow through the clickable links.)

You create your reality

You live in your own world. Have you ever wondered what is it like for another person? It does not matter, though it may be true that we are related, we still live in our own world most of the time. Our worlds may only overlap at certain points.

And you determine what is on the outside, by what is on the inside. Certainly not the other way round.

But what is on the inside? Your feelings, and these make up your state of being. What highs or lows that you experience on the outside corresponds to rises or falls within you.

Decide to take back your responsibility. The best place to begin is where you are, right now.

Remember, you own all that you experience and feel, but you are not them. You have created them. How can the creator be the same as his creations? Wouldn't that stop you from creating some more? If you could not create any more, wouldn't you cease to be a creator?

(Don't want to read? Listen instead. However, be aware that this blog is written primarily to be read. Also, you may want to follow through the clickable links.)

I can't help feeling bad

Feelings play a role. They give us a message. Feelings are a form of communication from our unconscious self.

Don't do something that makes you feel bad but, if bad feelings surface nonetheless, you are already containing it and it is now replaying in order for you to have a chance to release it. In other words, an opportunity to heal that part of you that has been hurt in the past.

This is good news because once this negativity is released, you are that much lighter and one step nearer to achieving your wishes.

The easiest way to do this is to do it with love. There is no competition and therefore, it is irrelevant to judge. There is only you and the outcome is feedback for you. This feedback is valuable for your next steps. Take a power pause and feel yourself empowered.

(Don't want to read? Listen instead. However, be aware that this blog is written primarily to be read. Also, you may want to follow through the clickable links.)